by FAN, 2 - 4 working days, 49 lei
by FAN, 3-5 working days, 19 lei
by FAN, 3-5 working days, 19 lei
3-5 working days, free of charge
Delivery with carrier
How can I track my order?
The tracking number can be found by entering the order number and your surname in the "Follow your order/return" section and clicking on "TRACK DELIVERY".
How much is shipping and who delivers my order?
The price for express delivery is 49 lei. The price for standard home and standard delivery to a pick-up point is 19 lei but free for orders above 250 lei. If you are a member of the Tezenis Talent loyalty program, standard shipping costs 5 lei. FAN carrier is in charge of the deliveries.
What is the delivery time for my online order?
Order before 10:00 (Romanian time) and your products will be delivered to the indicated address within 2 - 3 working days (express delivery) or within 3 - 4 working days (standard delivery). All orders placed after this time will be dispatched on the next working day. We also inform you that during some special events (Sales, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, etc.) the processing of your order may be slightly delayed, despite our continuous efforts to comply with the established deadlines.
Which countries does Tezenis ship to?
To find out which countries we ship to, consult the list at the bottom of the page, updated with all the new openings.
Can I place an order online and ship it to another country?
Yes, it is possible to place an order online and ship it to a country other than yours. To do this, you should first select the desired destination country from the menu you will find in the footer of our site. We remind you that billing address and shipping address may refer to different countries, but also that in the country where you would like to deliver your parcel, prices and commercial conditions may be different.
Delivery to store
Can I have my order sent to an Tezenis store?
Yes, while placing your order, make sure to select a store. Delivery to store is completely free of charge.
I requested in-store delivery. How long does it take for my order to arrive at the store?
The estimated delivery time for in-store pick-ups is 3-5 working days. You will receive an e-mail as soon as your package has been delivered at the store you have selected. We also inform you that during some special events (Sales, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, etc.) the processing of your order may be slightly delayed, despite our continuous efforts to comply with the established deadlines.
Can I receive my order in a Tezenis store and pay with cash?
Cash on delivery payment option is not available at the moment. You can pay your order with the following payment methods: Credit Card, Apple Pay.
I have not received the email confirming the arrival of the order at the store selected by me. How
can I
Make sure you have entered your email address correctly during the purchase, by accessing the "ORDERS" section, after logging in to your account . If you have not registered on, you can go directly to the "Follow your order / return" section. If the address entered is correct, contact our Customer Service to request more information.
Can I delegate a trusted person to collect my online order?
Any person can come to the store and pick up the order with the printed confirmation email and a copy of your identity card.
I did not pick up my online order sent to the store on time, how do I receive a refund?
In case you do not pick up your order within 10 days from delivery to the store, you will receive an email informing you that the refund will be processed through the same payment method used when placing your order. The time it takes to see the refund appear in your account may depend on your credit or debit card company.
*Our Customer Service will answer your inquiry in English.
Call 0312296409
*Our Customer Service will answer your inquiry in English.
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