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By checking this box, you will always be up to date on our offers, promotions and discounts and you can give your opinion on our brands!
By checking this box, therefore, you consent to receive commercial communications (e.g. promotions, offers, discounts) and to participate in market research and satisfaction survey regarding products and services of Oniverse brands (Calzedonia, Intimissimi, Tezenis, Signorvino, Falconeri, Atelier Emé), by email and/or SMS, landline/mobile phone and traditional paper mail. For this purpose, we will use the personal and contact data that you have provided to us (e.g. name, surname, address, e-mail, mobile phone number, etc.).
The data collected will be kept until a request to withdraw consent is received from you.
The Data Controller is Calzedonia SpA. By writing to you can exercise the right to: i) access, to find out if your data is being processed and to obtain a copy; ii) to obtain the rectification or integration of your data; iii) to request the deletion of your data; iv) to obtain the restriction of processing; (v) data portability; vi) to withdraw consent. You may also lodge a complaint with the competent data protection supervisory authority if you believe that the processing of your personal data is carried out contrary to the provisions of EU Regulation 2016/679.
You can contact us at You have the right to file a complaint or appeal to the supervising authority responsible for personal data protection.
Full Privacy Policy: Privacy Policy.


By checking this box, we will send you exclusive communications and offers, thought for you based on your profile and shopping habits!

To do this, we will use data regarding your purchases
– including those relating to other Oniverse brands (Calzedonia, Intimissimi, Tezenis, Signorvino, Falconeri, Atelier Emé)
– your online behaviour, your participation in our loyalty programs, the use of our services, your country of origin, your gender and your age, your interactions with us through our websites, through the Apps
- which may be developed by us or by third parties
- and through our social channels (e.g. Facebook): in this way we will send you personalized (""profiled"") communications and we will be able to develop products and services consistent with the preferences of our customers.
The data relating to purchases will be kept for 3 years, the other data for 1 year from collection, except for gender, age and country of origin which will be kept until you withdraw your consent.
The Data Controller is Calzedonia SpA. By writing to you can exercise the right to:
i) access, to find out if your data is being processed and to obtain a copy;
ii) to obtain the rectification or integration of your data;
iii) to request the deletion of your data;
iv) to obtain the restriction of processing;
v) data portability;
vi) to withdraw consent. You may also lodge a complaint with the competent data protection supervisory authority if you believe that the processing of your personal data is carried out contrary to the provisions of EU Regulation 2016/679.

You can contact the Data Protection Officer by writing to
Full notice: privacy policy.

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